Whether you have been attending Chestnut Grove Church for several years, or you are visiting for the first time, you may have some questions. Hopefully the information below will be helpful.

If you need more help, please contact us at cgcdillsburg@gmail.com

Where Do I Park?

  • Parking is easy in our spacious lot accessed by Chestnut Grove Road (if you need directions, click here).
  • Handicap parking near the front of the building is also available.

Where Is The Building’s Main Entrance?

  • Entrance to the sanctuary is via the glass doors, under the covered drop-off, which leads to the lobby.
  • Front door of the attached small white building leads to the fellowship hall.


How Do I Find The Sanctuary?

Prior to our Sunday Service, once you enter the lobby, a friendly “greeter” will welcome you.

You will be given a bulletin, and if necessary, directed to the sanctuary or other locations, such as the restroom.

When is Worship?

  • Regular worship services are Sunday mornings at 10:10 AM.
  • We offer Kids For Christ classes for youth Sunday mornings from 9:10-10 AM.
  • We offer Youth Group class for youth in 7th-12th grade from 9:10-10:00AM Sunday mornings.
  • We offer Adult Sunday School from 9:10-10:00AM Sunday mornings.

What Can I Expect During Worship?

  • Our worship is intentional worship and based on God’s Holy Word, the Bible.
  • Our Sunday morning service is a blend of traditional and contemporary worship.
  • At Chestnut Grove, our entire order of worship, as well as the significant events and special announcements, is printed in the weekly bulletin.
  • We use projected presentations to enable and encourage audience participation in all areas of the service.
  • We demonstrate our commitment by the giving of tithes and offerings.
  • Please note that hearing assistance units are available during worship; see the sound system attendant if you would like to use one.

Is There Something for Children? 

  • Children’s Church is available for children ages three (potty trained) and up.
  • The children are learning age-appropriate Bible lessons and songs and having a great time together!

What Should I Wear?

  • Wear whatever is comfortable for you, whether it’s jeans and a t-shirt, or a dress, or shirt and tie.

What About Communion? 

  • Holy Communion (also called The Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist) is one of two sacraments observed by the Church (the other is the Sacrament of Baptism).
  • The Lord’s Supper is a holy meal of bread and juice and is the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ.
  • Communion is an important part of worship at Chestnut Grove, usually observed the last Sunday each month.
  • We practice “open Communion,” and invite all who love Christ, repent of their sin, and seek to live in peace with one another to participate in the sacrament of Holy Communion.
  • For more about the sacraments please see Pastor Tim Klein.

What Opportunities are There for Fellowship? 

  • We  have many opportunities for fellowship in our small groups.
  • The vision is that every member within the life of the church would be connected to a small group and that these small group opportunities would promote discipleship, joyfulness, creativity, service, and inclusivity.
  • Occasionally after worship, there is a covered-dish style lunch in the fellowship hall.
  • Place settings and beverages are provided.
  • Check our calendar for the next scheduled fellowship meal.

Why Is Chestnut Grove a Safe Sanctuary?

  • We strive to protect our children, youth, young adults, vulnerable adults and those who work with them.
  • This includes requiring up-to-date state-mandated clearances and yearly training for all who work with them.
  • See Tammy Strayer or contact the office and leave a message for her for more details.


Last updated: April 30, 2024 at 16:29 pm